S01E05_C【硅谷 Silicon Valley】美剧单词大爆炸高级版
- S01E05_C【硅谷 Silicon Valley】美剧单词大爆炸高级版 单词例句播放列表 Timestamp English Words Playing List:
- 00:00:00 Coder : Uh Nobody He'S A Coder
- 00:00:16 Flair : Kind Of Adds A Latin Flair To The Company
- 00:00:33 Felon : A Convicted Felon To Paint A Mural On Their Garage
- 00:00:52 Porn : I Watch A Lot Of Black Porn I Mean A Lot
- 00:01:13 Holographic : It'S Amazing It'S Holographic
- 00:01:30 Teleconferencing : D Teleconferencing Technology That We'Ve Acquired
- 00:01:51 Hologram : Am Ia Hologram Over There Too
- 00:02:09 Folksy : Is He Trying To Make Richard Seem Folksy
- 00:02:26 Shuck : Like Some Aw Shucks Boy Genius
- 00:02:42 Broadband : Unfortunately The Broadband
- 00:02:55 Enclosure : Just Think Of It As A Neutral Colored Enclosure
- 00:03:14 Cubicle : He'S Talking About Cubicles
- 00:03:31 Riff : Like We Riff And Improvise Around A Central Theme
- 00:03:48 Cohesive : To Create One Cohesive Piece Of Music
- 00:04:04 Inefficiency : This Is The Inefficiency I'M Trying To Eliminate
- 00:04:24 Twitter : Twitter Lowercase T Google Lowercase G
- 00:04:45 Keynote : And Offer To Be Their Keynote Speaker
- 00:05:02 Displease : This Is Displeasing
- 00:05:17 Incense : I Have Never Seen Him So Incensed
- 00:05:36 Conveniently : And You Conveniently Forgot To Mention Any Of This
- 00:05:55 Puke : Because You Came To Me When I Was Puking And Freaking Out
- 00:06:15 Penetration : And It'S There'S Penetration
- 00:06:32 Aesthetically : It'S Just Aesthetically Pleasing
- 00:06:48 Chug : Look Chuy Painting A Guy Named Dinesh Chug Tai
- 00:07:08 Musty : No Just Musty
- 00:07:22 Refractory : I Have A Fifteen Minute Refractory Period
- 00:07:37 Ingestion : I'M Adding Under This Epic For The Ingestion Engine
- 00:07:57 Scrum : An Organizational System Called Scrum
- 00:08:18 Leisurely : So We'Re Just Going To Work At A Nice Leisurely Pace Right
- 00:08:36 Sucker : Cock Sucker
- 00:08:48 Gratuitous : It'S Gratuitous
- 00:09:03 Incendiary : You Do Not Think It'S Too Incendiary For The Offices
- 00:09:20 Raunchy : It Is Pretty Raunchy Though
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