S03E07_B【生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory】Vocabulary 美剧单词大爆炸中级版
- S03E07_B【生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory】Vocabulary 美剧单词大爆炸中级版 单词例句播放列表 Timestamp English Words Playing List:
- 00:00:00 Renew : My Department Of Defense Research Grant Is Renewed
- 00:00:17 Dice : No You Didn'T Roll The Dice Leonard
- 00:00:31 Tense : Went Out Was In Fact The Past Tense Of Going Out
- 00:00:50 Guitarist : If You Want To Have Some Stupid Guitarist
- 00:01:03 Bunk : Some Bunk Beds And Invite The Black Eyed Peas
- 00:01:20 Lineup : Hey If I Want To Invite The Entire Lineup Of Lollapalooza
- 00:01:40 Mutually : The Two Aren'T Mutually Exclusive
- 00:01:55 Drown : He'S Drowning Us Out He Doesn'T Like Fighting
- 00:02:11 Blender : Sheldon She'S Gone You Can Turn Off The Blender
- 00:02:30 Respective : Of The Size Of Their Contribution To Their Respective Fields
- 00:02:47 Validity : Not The Validity Of The Field Itself
- 00:03:04 Ranger : Go Go Power Rangers Go
- 00:03:21 Unpleasant : Well That Was Rather Unpleasant
- 00:03:40 Irrelevant : Irrelevant
- 00:03:53 Disruption : The Disruption In Your Rela On Ship
- 00:04:06 Temper : You'Re Oversensitive And Have A Temper
- 00:04:22 Casually : What I Can'T Live With Is You Casually Informing Me
- 00:04:39 Dumb : You'Re So Smart And I'M So Dumb
- 00:04:55 Sole : For The Sole Purpose Of Meeting Him
- 00:05:09 Staple : Yes Lakshmi Just Got Her Stomach Stapled
- 00:05:26 Wed : For My Cousin San Jay'S Wedding
- 00:05:44 Imaginary : While You Sit There Hitting Your Imaginary Brake
- 00:06:01 Graphic : Yeah He'S Uh Over In The Graphic Novel Section
- 00:06:18 Alternate : Where He Pretend S He'S In An Alternate Dimension
- 00:06:33 Grind : If She Put Ground Glass In My Dad'S Meatloaf
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